Friday, March 21, 2008

A rose by any other name . . .

Somewhere along one of the dustier trails, I began to treasure my anonymity more than my ego. That's when I adopted a pen name. Those of you who know me well will have little trouble identifying my story in "Horse Lovers," the most recent "Cup of Comfort" anthology. You probably know the story anyway. And that's enough.

I am, however, a shameless promoter of the book in general. It's good reading that can be enjoyed in small segments, coming from authors of many different backgrounds. It should be available about the beginning of April in some Walmart and Target stores as well as other places. I got some feedback last time that "Cup of Comfort" books are available on-line.

1 comment:

~pollyanna said...

I just stopped by to leave a quick hello and let you know I am thinking of you. ~ PA